Future of PR/Comms and their Social Impact study overview

Future of PR/Comms and their Social Impact

FREE DOWNLOAD OF THE FULL REPORT It has been many months in the making. It started with an idea to follow up on the findings of the PR2025 study and on the observation that many use the term PR but mean different things by it. Thanks to PRCA’s invitation to join their University Advisory Group …

AI in PR book cover


FREE DOWNLOAD In June this year, I have launched a call for contributions for a free ebook about Ai in PR/Comms. 3.5 months later, there’s a book: Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations and Communications: cases,reflections, and predictions – all 140+ pages, 16 authors from 6 countries packed with insight and thought provoking reviews and questions. …

Career update: Vice President appointment

I have moved to Berlin at the end of 2014 joining the marvelous team at Quadriga University of Applied Sciences looking to combine practice with research, and consultancy with teaching. I brought with me my international experience, curiosity and desire to learn. There has never been a dull moment since, and from now on even …

PR during Covid-19

PR during Covid-19 (a NEW Essachess edition)

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided rich learning opportunities for public communicators: from positive, and unfortunately too often, also from negative examples. From the difficulties of relaying scientific information to publics and political partisanship colliding with public health interests, to the ‘misinfodemic’ (in particular, but not only, on social media) exacerbating the pandemic, to HR departments …

Future of PR special edition – OUT NOW!

ACCESS HERE FOR FREE 10 months ago Thomas Stoeckle and I were launching the call for papers for the special edition of ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies focusing on the future of PR. We were in the mid-pandemic. The edition is now complete and available to read, download, share and discuss. It features 7 …

Women in PR book cover

Women in PR book (free download)

FREE DOWNLOAD At the time of the COVID-19 pandemic when women’s research outputsdwindled (Fazackerley, 2020) and many practitioners’ levels of pressureand stress increased due to a higher demand for communication servicescoinciding with the reduced access to support services including childcare,this book aims to reflect on the progress made so far and contribute tokeeping the discussion …

AI and (the future of) PR

Earlier this year I have been interviewed by Inpuncto, the newsletter of PilotProjekt, about corporate communications and AI. This was right before the results of #PR2025 were released and after my contribution to AMEC’s Measurement Month on measuring VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) for PR. The interview has been translated in German. The …

Corporate activism book (free download)

A collection of articles, research updates and solutions for a rising trend FREE DOWNLOAD One of 2019’s most prominent theme for PR/Comms was business with purpose, a new take and a mixture, it felt to me, between Kramer & Porter’s creating shared value (CSV) concept and Simon Sinek’s “start with why”. In a sense, the …

PR2025 – future-proofing PR/Comms (free download)

DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT HERE During November 2018 and March 2019 I have been running a Delphi method study investigating the trends, competences, solutions and responsibilities for development for development for PR/Comms in the mid-term. It started off as a discussion and debate about communicators are ready for a tech-driven future (whether they would work …

Social Mobility: A Key to Diversity in PR

Sarah Waddington’s journey and recipes for an inclusive PR In this conversation, Sarah Waddington shares her journey into public relations, discussing the challenges women face in the industry, particularly regarding the glass ceiling. She highlights the importance of social mobility and the need for diversity and inclusion within PR. Sarah emphasizes the role of research …

Marianne Sison on Navigating Cultural Differences in Public Relations

In this conversation, Ana and Marianne explore the intricate relationship between communication, cultural competence, and Public Relations. They discuss the importance of understanding cultural contexts in communication strategies, the need for cultural curiosity, and the role of empathy and exposure in fostering cultural competence. The conversation also explore effective communication strategies during crises, the advocacy …

Hidden Industries, Real Stories: Women’s PR work in Contested Sectors

Women in PR Podcast with Dr. Liz Bridgen Ana Adi · #25 Liz Bridgen_Women in PR with Ana Adi Summary (generated with a Claude AI project) In this episode, Dr. Elizabeth Bridgen discusses her research on the hidden aspects of public relations practice, particularly focusing on women working in stigmatized industries. She shares insights from …

Gender dynamics and emotional labor in Public Relations explained

an interview with Dr Liz Yeomans Summary In this episode of Women in PR, host Ana Adi discusses the feminization of public relations and the concept of emotional labor with Dr. Liz Yeormans. They explore how emotional labor applies to PR, the gender dynamics within the profession, the impact of unconscious bias on the gender …

Teodora Takacs on the Women in PR podcast episode cover

Teodora Takacs’s value of side-projects to fuel personal growth

Ana Adi · #24 Teodora Takacs_Women in PR with Ana Adi In this episode, Teodora Takacs shares her unexpected journey into the field of communication, detailing how her career evolved from a university clerk to a marketing manager. She discusses the importance of continuous learning, the role of personal projects in enhancing creativity, and the …