While checking out the notes and ideas that I might use for some future academic publications, discount
I came across this essay (of sorts) that I wrote while the voting for the 2016 host of the Olympic Games was being broadcasted online and heavily commented on Twitter. While the attention the voting received online was unprecedented, info
my interest was with the bidding cities and the way they used Twitter as a public relations mechanism. The article is rather descriptive but it makes reference to a (at that time) rough methodology of using Twitter analytics tools for academic research.
[issuu width=550 height=389 titleBarEnabled=true backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=110913073018-97af5dbffa9946a09e425d565c99c999 name=twitter2016olympicsbid username=anaadi tag=2016 unit=px id=7ecdce5a-09e8-03b8-d341-fc687a515142 v=2]
Interesting thesis. I am a school teacher as well as a resume writer and at our school the use of social media is frowned upon. I just may share this paper around- if you don’t mind that is.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the comment. Why is social media frowned upon? Are there any particular platforms or is it a reluctance to opening the classrooms up to these online based environments?