Social Impact and Social Value

Future of PR/Comms study coverage

Earlier this year, the PRCA with the entire Future of PR/Comms and their Social Impact research collective have launched the reports of the study in English and Spanish. Since then colleagues have made great efforts to promote the study and facilitate conversations around its findings. The preliminary results of the study have been presented at …

Future of PR/Comms and their Social Impact study overview

Future of PR/Comms and their Social Impact

FREE DOWNLOAD OF THE FULL REPORT It has been many months in the making. It started with an idea to follow up on the findings of the PR2025 study and on the observation that many use the term PR but mean different things by it. Thanks to PRCA’s invitation to join their University Advisory Group …

PR during Covid-19

PR during Covid-19 (a NEW Essachess edition)

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided rich learning opportunities for public communicators: from positive, and unfortunately too often, also from negative examples. From the difficulties of relaying scientific information to publics and political partisanship colliding with public health interests, to the ‘misinfodemic’ (in particular, but not only, on social media) exacerbating the pandemic, to HR departments …

Call for papers: ESSACHESS – Journal of Communication Studies

Colume 14, n° 1(27)/ 2021 ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies[1] Future of Communications and Public Relations (PR). (Re)Imagining the Role, Function and Purpose of the Communication Profession  Call available here: Guest editors: Ana ADI, Professor of Public Relations/Corporate Communications Quadriga University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, GERMANY Thomas STOECKLE, Lecturer Bournemouth University London, Analytics & …