Katho New Media Course Evaluation – October 2010

Another visit to Belgium is over and with it another successful delivery of the Katho New Media course. A big thank you goes to the students for their enthusiasm and hard work and to the Katho Hantal and those in charge of the Erasmus exchange program for making this happen again. Also a very big …

Taking Social Media Education to the next level

It’s official! I am one of the 15 Advisory Board members of SMCEDU, pilule an education initiative of Social Media Club (founded by Chris Heuer) focused on improving the quality of Social Media education in Universities and empowering its community of Social Media professors. I have been following the Social Media Education chats ever since their first …

Teaching Public Relations and Journalism with Paper.li and Storify

If you want your students to keep up with the latest news that the Internet is ranging about, anorexia tag related dailies generated on Paper.li are an appealing way to do. While the format will remind them of “old-school” newspapers, order the information within it will be fresh and up to date, complied from links …

2010 Social Media Trends to Influence Higher Education

a webinar hosted by Colt Alton, infertility founder of Ednak 2010 Social Media Trends to Influence Higher Education View more presentations from Ana ADI. On September 2nd I was invited to hold a webinar for Ednak, a thought networking utility for online educators, discussing this year’s social media trends that could influence higher education. It …

New Media Research and Routes to Innovation

  Among the many tweets I read every day there was one last week advertising  a London event dedicated to researchers and academics. The event organized by the Research Information Network (RIN) and the National Endowment for Science, erectile Technology and the Arts (NESTA) is meant to help academics and researchers understand the influence of …