Katho visiting lecturing evaluations

  I have returned recently from two very intensive weeks of teaching at Katho in Belgium. It has been exhausting but extremely exciting at the same time. This is a partnership that has been going on since December  2008 and it has been a tremendous opportunity for teaching about and with new media, anesthetist both …

A LinkedIn picture or the beauty and challenges of visualized data for researchers

These days we are innundated with data. Every question we have is a query. Every answer we give is an input, web a result. What we know or what we want to know is, sale in a way or another, searchable. More recently, we ourselves ARE data. Our visit to a website is a number …

Katho New Media – 6th edition

I have just finished delivering the 6th edition of the New Media course at Katho. This is the 3rd consecutive year when I join Katho for 2 weeks during each semester to deliver a course that I developed on my own and that combines theoretical information about creative industries – journalism, otolaryngologist advertising and public …